

目前顯示的是 11月, 2017的文章

Part Two >>>>> Dream Program: Explore Frontier of Winter Sports

Story continued to Dream Program: Explore Frontier of Winter Sports. It’s going to share about some stories that related to dreams come true. Julian Yee Zhi-Jie | Figure Skate | Malaysia *accredit to Julian Yee Instagram Account @julianyeeee  He is a Malaysian skater, he is a five-time Malaysian senior national champion and has completed in the final segment at seven ISU Championships, including two World Championships. Julian began learning to skate at age four at the Sunway Pyramid Ice Rink in Malaysia. He and his brothers were introduced to skating by their mother, Irene. In 2011, he became the youngest skater to win the Junior Men’s category, at age 13 years 10 months, thereby breaking the previous record held by his brother, Ryan Yee Zhi-Jwen. *accredit to Julian Yee Instagram Account @julianyeeee In 2014, he became the 1 st Malaysian to reach the free skate at a Four Continents Championships. One of the youngest skater at the event, held in Taipei


你是不是曾经憧憬着每一天的早上都有人向你说一声早安 你是不是曾经憧憬着每一次生病的时候都有人帮你买药照顾你 你是不是曾经憧憬着每一次看电影你不再只是一个人吃爆米花喝可乐 然而每一次都是我把我自己憧憬的给推走了

PyeongChang KORAIL PASS #2

Already reserved PyeongChang Korail Pass but dunnoe what can use by Korail pass? Don’t worry, let’s me tell youu about tourist attractions that can using PyeongChang Korail Pass. Seoul city tour Gyeongbokgung Palace ( 경복궁 ) Built in 1395, Gyeongbokgung Palace is also commonly referred to as the Northern Palace because its location is furthest north when compared to the neighboring palaces of Changdeokgung (Eastern Palace) and Gyeonghuigung (Western Palace) Palace. Gyeongbokgung Palace is arguably the most beautiful, and remains the largest of all five palaces. Closed:  Tuesdays Operating Hours: January-February 09:00-17:00 March-May 09:00-18:00 June-August 09:00-18:30 September-October 09:00-18:00 November-December 09:00-17:00 * Last admission: 1 hr before closing * Operating hours are subject to change depending on conditions or circumstances. Admission Fees: [International Visitors] Adults (ages 19-64): 3,000 won / Groups (10 people or m

PyeongChang KORAIL PASS #1

It’s a special dayyy tonight ❤ ! I gonna share a good news with you all about PyeongChang Korail Pass . From the preview post, I think you will be understand about the PyeongChang Winter Olympics will be coming soon in 2018. Therefore, PyeongChang Korail Pass is a foreigner-exclusive train pass to commemorate the winter sport events taking place February-March, 2018. Visitors entering Korea after August 1, 2017 are eligible to purchase this special tourist pass. The pass can be used an unlimited number of times on trains throughout Korea during the pass duration between February 1, 2018 and March 25, 2018. See all of Korea, including Pyeongchang, Gangneung, and Jeongseon, with comfort and ease at a great discounted price! There have 2 types of Korail Pass which are 5 day pass and 7 day pass. PyeongChang Korail Pass types: 5 day pass, 7 day pass (consecutive days) *Adult (Ages 26 and older), Youth (Ages 13-25 or International Student Identity Card holder

Part One>>>>> Dream Program: Explore Frontier of Winter Sports

November is coming yea! Do you excited welcome a new year already? However, today I still gonna sharing some Wow PyeongChang 2018 news with you which is Dream Program: Explore Frontier of Winter Sports. So what is Dream Program? The Dream Program is initiated to introduce winter sports to young people who otherwise would not have the opportunity to experience winter weather and winter sports. (Emmm… just like me ya XD) The Dream Program was launched by PyeongChang in 2004. Since then, 1574 youths (105 with disabilities) coming from 75 countries have participated in this program, which is usually organized for 10 days between January and February. Especially thanks to IOC, FIS and ISU, foreign media and NOCs have launched the Dream Program as an excellent initiative that has contributed to the Olympic Movement. It has helped to expand winter sports, promote friendship among youths and contributed to peace around the world. GOAL: Training prof

带你认识马来西亚柔佛新山美食!Snow City Dessert & OLEG

Harloooo.... 久违的美食篇又来啦!今天要和大家分享马来西亚 柔佛新山的美食 之前就是去了柔佛新山 虽然没有尝试很多的美食 不过就来和大家分享一下 只有在新山才有的美食吧 ! 雪山飞糊 SNOW CITY DESSERTS 这是一家在新山频为著名的甜品店 主要打着榴莲的甜品而吸引到大众慕名而来 虽然在柔佛有很多分行 不过我们是在 mount austin 享用的 所以接下来将会介绍一些甜品 彩虹千层蛋糕 Rainbow Mille Crepe Cake with Ice Cream 其实主要就是想试试彩虹千层蛋糕 不过由于可能过甜 还有奶油味的关系 所以并不是那么喜欢吃 不过我知道有些喜欢吃前拍照的朋友 那你们一定不能错过的哦 榴莲布丁 Durian Sawdust Pudding 榴莲布丁是姐姐说要叫的 不过本人也蛮推荐的 原因是布丁还比彩虹千层蛋糕好吃也 第一的感觉当然有榴莲的味道 第二的口感就不会像蛋糕那么软 所以比较好吃 不过不要误会哦 其实就是布丁上面那一小撮是榴莲丝这样 毕竟现在榴莲有多贵 大家都有目共睹的 榴莲雪山 Durian Flavor Ice  这家店必点的 其实就是因为它够特别 是用榴莲做得 在外面一般的甜品点都比较少看到 所以大家有机会尝试的话 不妨点一碗来试试看 不过分量真的很大 我们4个人都吃不完(吃饱之后才吃的甜品) 口感其实就是榴莲的感觉 其实还挺不错吃的 而且它是一丝丝的 不像外面平常吃的abc的那种冰 就是冷过头 吃了几口就撤了 偷偷告诉你 榴莲冰山提供另外一个选择 就是猫山王榴莲冰沙 价格要RM3x左右 所以你如果是榴莲爱好者 不妨点一下 看看是不是真的有猫山王的味道哦 芒果飘香 Mango with Pomelo Sago  本人非常喜欢吃芒果 所以点了一道芒果 店家也有芒果冰山 不过因为点了榴莲冰山所以没有点冰山款式的 这款比较偏向于水水的感觉 因为还有柚子作为配料 非常特别 也很好吃 本人比较喜欢这种款式的多过冰沙 另外呢,今天也来介绍只在新山有分行的 Oleq by gCafe  Oleq 位于city square 的第三楼, 可能大家