Hoorayyy ! Finally, I finished my final exam in this semester :D
So, if you think that I gonna sleep a whole day after the exam, then you're wrong !! Even I hope that could come true TT
Then, what I'm doing after the exam?
The first thing not celebrates with my friends, not relaxing, not shopping at all. Is accompany my friends to go to the UTC Sentul to do the passport! It makes me crazy actually as I ver tired as well since I woke up in 5.30AM. However, the reason why I accompany her is that we gonna have a short trip as well AHHAHAH so excited for it ♥
We take LRT to Masjid Jemad then change to Ampang line go to Sentul. 其实下站之后我们一直也不知道要走哪一条路,加上开了GPS也真的看不懂啊!所以就只好问人了,如果下次想搭LRT去UTC SENTUL的朋友们可以这样做哦!到了Setul station 之后,就过天桥,抵达平民组屋,之后直走,记得不要走到屋子里面,直走之后转右手边,再直走5-10min这样就会看到UTC SENTUL了,其实非常靠近而已哦!加上运气也很好,进到去,里面都没有什么人,不管是IC/Passport. 大概过了两个小时,两样东西都拿到手了。
有木有很可爱 ♥♥
有木有很萌 ♥♥
好了,故事就到这里结束。Good Night🌃
今天和朋友约好在LRT站等一起去做passport, 因为没有电话也不能联络,所以当抵达的时候,一个在楼上等,一个在楼下等,结果各自等了将近一小时!!楼上的终于下来了,还和楼下的说自己一个半小时前就到了啦!真是可笑啊!了解到没有电话是这么的麻烦 啊哈哈😜😜