
Gangneung Coffee Festival - PART I

Annyeonghaseyo!!! Sokyin is come back 😉😉😉

Do you love to drink coffee? If yes, there are a festival that gonna held at Gangneung in this coming October 2017. 

Gangneung Coffee Festival (강릉 커피축제) 

Gangneung Coffee Festival (강릉 커피축제) held its 1st event in 2009 as part of project in making Gangneung, a city of coffee. This festival celebrates the emerging coffee culture of Gangneung-si, which in recent years has welcomed in famous coffee chains and artisan coffee shops. The festival celebrates the scenic city’s past and present culture with a variety of coffee-related events such as exhibitions, coffee-making and coffee bean-roasting experience programs. Coffee entrepreneurs can also sign up for on-site seminars about the coffee industry.

Date: 6-10 October 2017

Admission fees: Free (some programs may require a fee)

Address: 131, Nanseolheon-ro, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do

Transportation: From the Gangneung Intercity/ Express bus terminal, take bus 221. Get off at Anmok (the last stop) and walk to the festival grounds (10minutes walk)

Tea History in Gangneung and Trace of Heo Family

Historically, Gangneung is known as the town where people enjoyed drinking tea. The love of tea developed into interest in coffee, so the city has established its own coffee culture right now. Gangneung is the only city where keeps culture heritage site of tea culture.

Heo Gyun/Heo Nanseolheon Memorial Park

Heo Yeop-father/ Heo Seong, Heo Bong and Heo Gyun-sons/ Heo Nanseolheon-daughter that loved in Gangneung in 16th centuy. They were talented in literature, so that people called them as 5 good writers in Heo family. Especially Heo Nanseolheon and Heo Gyun were outstanding. Heo Nanseolheon was a prominent female poet and produced 211 beautiful poems before she died at the age of 27. Heo Gyun was prominent Korean politician and poet, novelist and scholar. Heo Gyun is often credited as the author of the famous Korean story tale of “Hong Gildong” , which in many ways reflects his progressive thinking.

Heo family enjoyed drinking tea same as noble families in Joseon dynasty did. Especially Heo Gyun know how to appreciate arts was a tea lover and wrote many poems about tea.

Memorial park was built to commemorate these talented sister and brother in 2007. The park consists of birthplace of Heo Nanseolheon and Gyun, memorial hall and traditional tea experience centre.

Chohee traditional tea experience centre was named after Nanseolheon’s given name. Chohee. It opened in December 2012 and Korea Tea Culture Association members are promoting Korean tea culture and offering tea ceremony session to visitors.

During tea ceremony session, the instructor could explain the tea utensils such as tea kettle, tea cup, and so on. The instructor moves on teaching how to serve tea step by step from pre-heating the tea utensil to brewing the tea. The session is about 20-30 minutes and advised to make a reservation beforehand.

Address: 1-29, Nanseolheon -ro, 193 beon-gil, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do

Operating hours: 9.00am ~ 6.00pm

Admission fees: Free (Tea ceremony experience 5,000 won)

Gangneung Chodang Dubu Village
Chodang Dubu Village (초당두부마을)

South of Gyeongpo beach is Chodang Dubu Village, which is famous for tofu. Along Gangneung’s most famous food street the beans are ground for Chodang tofu, then through several steps, salt water from the East sea is used in the congealing process resulting in a soft and light tofu.

The name of this village, Chodang , originates from the name of a famous person that lived here known as Chodang Heo Yeop. When Heo Yeop was a minister in Samcheok, he made a tofu with sea water of Gangneung and people complimented on tofu’s plain and savory taste. That is how it was given a name as Chodang, which is Heo Yeop’s pen name.

Address: 99, Chodangsundubu-gil, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do


-------------------------------------------THE END--------------------------------------------



Pulau Ketam 2D1N 吉胆岛两天一夜游

不知道周末上哪里玩?别宅在家了!来,我带你玩转吉胆岛!吉胆岛位于雪兰莪州,是一个专门捕鱼为生的村子,距离市中心大概 1 小时左右 如果你对吉胆岛完全没有概念的话 可以看以下的视频 这是我第一次做的 vlog 如果拍的不好 拜托请体谅一下!谢谢大家 吉胆岛vlog : LINK 其实去吉胆岛的交通很方便, 第一你可以选择自己驾车, 第二可以选择使用公共交通 KTM 到 Pelabuhan Klang 那么其实我阿嬤以前就住在吉胆岛,之后搬上来了 KL ,没有想到一下子吉胆岛红了,以前真的人烟稀少,想到处看到游客都难 不过我们现在依然还是会去吉胆岛因为那里的美食太好吃了!等下就会为大家介绍介绍 那我们第一天就是自己驾车,然后把车停在 car park( 我们那天大概 9 ~ 10am 就到了,原因是怕没有车位,因为我刚好是在开斋节去的,凡是只要假期,就会有很多人!最繁忙的时间通常是 1 ~ 2pm ,大家记得自己安排时间 ) 之后,到了码头,我其实就有发现很多人因为不太懂所以就直接在码头买了票先,那么我在这里告诉大家一下,如果看到有船就先下去船那边直接当场买也 ok ,不需要特地买了票先,等下船走了,票买了,你就要等多久你都不知道 而且一般可以前往吉胆岛的码头就有 最大容量的 Alibaba , 最快的快艇, 最慢的木船, 中等的铁船 那么我们当天坐的是 Alibaba ,本身也非常喜欢坐 Alibaba ,因为第一够冷,第二够舒服,还有如果你是想要来回都坐 Alibaba 的话可以选择来回票 RM18 ,而且也不限期,不管你是当天来回,还是两天一夜或是三天两夜也可以使用 不过有一点需要注意的就是, Alibaba 的时间,因为不是你要坐就有,所以要安排好时间这样票才不会浪费掉 那么如果你不想购买来回票的话,单次乘搭是 RM10 另外呢,快艇的门票单程是 RM10, 和 Alibaba 价格一样,也比较快抵达,唯一缺点是没有冷气吹自然海风,女孩子记得把头发绑好,不然就会很乱了 铁船价格单程是 RM7 ,来回收费我不确定有没有限时间 至于木船基本以前才有人搭,现在其实我也蛮少看见了,价格也不太清楚,一般搭木船真的很浪费时

Sunway Lagoon Theme Park雙威水上樂園

事件發生在上個星期天,( 16 November 2014 ) 9.00am 我和家人們一大早便出發去 Sunway Lagoon 了。 因爲那是我第一次去Sunway Lagoon ,心情特別激動 + 興奮! 經過了大約40分鐘的車程,我們終于看到雙威最具有代表性的的動物——獅子,意思我們抵達目的地啦! 我們把車駛入Sunway Pyramid 的停車場。(我們大概從9.50am停放至6.00pm,衹需麻痹10令 吉而已哦! ) 當我們抵達那裡的時候,門口是還沒開啟的,卻已經有許多人等著購票了,也有一些是等著開門,打算成為當天第一個顧客吧xD  購票   ❤ 本地人票價 ❤ 成人:馬幣90令吉 老人&小孩:馬幣65令吉 ❤ 國外人票價 ❤ 成人:馬幣120令吉 老人&小孩:馬幣90令吉 我們是從網路訂票的,剛好那天在做促銷,所以衹需要半價(馬幣60令吉)便可以購買到了哦! 門票衹需要到現場再換票就可以進場了,很方便,門票也是手环式的。 不久,有著5-6個人組成的舞群和吉祥物一起跳舞,像是歡迎賓客的到來。 溫馨提醒 :戴在手上的門票是一次性進入的,不能多次進出!出來了就不能進去咯 門票是可以存錢在裏面的哦,在園區裏面要購物,吃東西都可以直接扣錢。 10.09am   我們也終於成功進入了! 進入的時候,工作人員會檢查包包的,任何外食和飲料是不允許的! 不過裏頭有多種餐廳可以選擇哦,比如説 Subway , Burger King , Marrybrown 等等哦! 當然價錢也比平常我們吃來的貴! 雙威水上樂園其實共有五大園區 水上樂園(Water Park) 游樂園 (Amusement Park) 野生動物園 (Wildlife Park) 極限樂園 ( Extreme Park) 冒險樂園 (Scream Park) 我和家人從開門便進場,待到樂園快打烊了才走,但是我們沒有走到野生動物園和冒險樂園那區。 游樂園(Amusement Park) 一進到園區,我們便計劃從游樂園區開始,原因是我們不想把身體弄濕了再去玩那些過山車之類的游戲。 雲霄飛車   我們的第一站便是雲霄飛車了。 沒有360度旋轉,所以恐怖

# Two day one night Kukup trip #

Harlo ! This time I could like to share with you guys about my Kukup trip last week. Kukup is located at about 1 km offshore from the 150-year-old fishing village of Kukup in Pontian District, Johor, Malaysia.  It takes around 4 hours’ drive from Kuala Lumpur to there. I visited there on 14-15 May to celebrate Grandmum’s birthday and Mother’s Day. It is awesome to stay overnight there as the resort have prepare 5 meals for us and some facilities. And there are some questions that I felt that you guys will be curious so that are my answer. If you still have any question please don’t hesitate leave comment below! Thank you 😊 Q: How we go to there? A: Drive ourselves, but when we reached there we need to take a short time of boat because you need to walk a long distance if you take a walk Q: What facilities they provide? A: 6 bedrooms, 8 toilets, 1 KTV room, share snooker and darts Q: How much for the price? A: Q: What resort we stay?